The team of Brett Holmes, Vanessa Esau, Allan Hall and Kelly Kennedy, are attempting to ride their road bikes (yes..pedal bikes) across Canada this summer, for the University of Lethbridge. The trip will take us 10 weeks to finish, riding over 7,500kms, if all goes to plan.
You may think that we're a crazy for riding our bikes across Canada to promote our University, and to a degree you're right. However, we wanted to find a way that would truly give back to the institution that we have called home for so long.
The team consists of: 2 students, a University employee, and a recent alumnus. Our bike tour's name is SEA 2 SEA. The name reflects the 3 University stakeholders taking part in the trip: (S)tudents, (E)mployees, (A)lumni.
We will be meeting with Alumni and prospective students across Canada throughout the trip. If you would like to have a coffee or chat in one of the cities we will be going though, send us a message. Our schedule is listed below.
We would like to thank the University’s President's Office, The Alumni Association, The Students' Union, Community Savings, Enterprise, University Recruitment, as well as the Advancement and Communications office for supporting this trip.See you in 10 weeks!
Whoo Hoo!!!!!
Good luck.
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